Contact - Archive | Aaron Wislang

Contact - Archive

The quickest way to reach me is via HipChat. I also use Skype, Google Hangouts and email.

Social Media

Most of these personal profiles are placeholders in case I want to do something with them in the future. They generally just link here:

Out of all social networks I use Twitter more than any of them. I use it mainly for work and prefer not to mix business and personal accounts.

Google+ has an excellent model for sharing content, but what I post is better suited to blogs. Google Hangouts is one of the best things to come out of Google+ and I use it daily for the much improved IM (which was previously called Google Talk).

Quora is an amazing knowledge platform and a great place to read interesting content or ask questions (anonymously, if you wish).

I prefer writing on open platforms rather than closed ones. I'm usually too busy to facebook, flickr, pintrest or instagram my food!


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